Words of love

I worked with Jaide in a 3 month coaching program. I came into the container wanting to improve my business, wanting to get my business off the ground, wanting to really put my services out there.
During our work together, Jaide held such beautiful space for me. Not only was I able to bring business issues and do the inner work around the business portion. I also brought intimacy issues, emotional eating to the container. I felt so safe, so held and so seen, in every topic that I brought in.
It was such a beautiful and sacred experience to receive Jaide’s magic, presence and compassion. Her guidance truly helped me to become more compassionate with myself, to really love on those parts that felt unlovable. That in and of itself is such a gift.
By the end of our work together I was able to launch my website. My services are out there, people are reaching out to me through enquiring about my services and wanting to work with me. I definitely put it down to the work we did together. Thank you, Jaide, for the beautiful space that you held and hold. I am so grateful for you.

- Annika, Health & Life Coach

I started working with Jaide to get my business up and running. I had a lot of confusion. As a health professional, I can help so many people and it can be very overwhelming to try and explain what you do and how you can help people. Jaide was amazing at helping me build this clarity around who my client really was and how I could help them.
I had huge personal growth with my time with Jaide. I broke through a lot of barriers I was experiencing and I am still breaking through a lot of barriers. A lot of unconscious and conscious blocks happen along the way that end up effecting your business and how you show up in business.
I am forever grateful for Jaide for helping me express myself, know myself better and providing this incredible clarity and step by step plan to take action on my dreams. I would highly recommend her to any future clients, if you want to basically get shit done.

- Gisela, Exercise Physiologist

I have just had the absolute privilege of working with the beautiful Jaide over the last three months in a coaching container. This is my first time ever working with a coach so I didn't really know what to expect. I would definitely say that the experience exceeded my expectations on so many different levels. I was looking to experience deeper confidence, become more secure within myself, and gain more clarity within my vision. I was seeking accountability towards my goals and towards uncovering the things that have been holding me back.

I really loved the way that Jaide didn't just focus on the surface level. It was all about going into deeper levels within myself to understand the subconscious programming. It was a very holistic approach to achieving goals: within life, business and relationships. I realised that a lot of the things that have been holding me back aren't really around the business aspect, instead are self-programming and self-belief. She held such a beautiful compassionate space to really work through those with intention.

Another thing I loved about Jaide's approach to coaching and this container was the flexibility. She really allowed space for me to guide the sessions with what I needed. There was structure, and there was also a lot of space for flexibility which felt really good for me to have that option to dive into areas that were feeling alive for me.

I would highly recommend working with Jaide. Having accountability and the support with goals and desires, is incredibly powerful beyond words. I can't recommend it enough and Jaide is such a beautiful woman inside and out. I feel incredibly grateful for this opportunity. Where I am at after, just a short three months, is truly transformational. Thank you, Jaide.

- Steph, Trauma Sensitive Yoga & Breathwork

Embarking on a coaching journey with Jaide has been an incredibly transformative experience that continues to enrich my life even beyond the conclusion of our sessions.

From our very first meeting, Jaide skillfully guided me through the path of establishing my own business, fostering a healthier life balance, and cultivating the confidence to attract a community aligned with my values.

Prior to working with Jaide, I grappled with challenges related to self-worth and putting myself out into the world. I often tied my value to others' perceptions and acceptance of my work. Thanks to Jaide's support, I've undergone a profound shift in how I perceive myself, regulate my emotions, and assert my boundaries.

While Jaide humbly attributes these changes to me, her guidance has been instrumental in navigating the sticky and uneasy edges of self-discovery. Numerous breakthroughs unfolded in both my internal and external worlds, but the most impactful has been my transformed self-talk and my newfound ability to embrace the shadow parts of myself. I now recognize that I am in control, actively choosing to invite those aspects in rather than pushing them away. This shift has empowered me to confidently promote myself and my business, build a supportive community, and make crucial decisions based on my authentic feelings, free from the constraints of fear.

As a result, I've achieved a greater sense of peace within myself, and I credit Jaide for helping me on this journey of self-discovery. I cannot speak highly enough of her. Every Thursday, I eagerly anticipated our sessions and the positive impact they would have on my well-being. Jaide's innate ability to envision and nurture the best version of oneself is truly remarkable. Her support extends beyond goal realization; she adeptly facilitates self-awareness and empowers you with the language to articulate your aspirations. I wholeheartedly recommend Jaide to anyone seeking transformative coaching, as she has been a guiding light on my path to personal and professional growth.

- Regan, Spa therapist, Energy worker + Massage therapist

Are your ready for your expansion?

Curious to learn more? Want to receive some epic breakthroughs?

I admire your courage and commitment to your expansion. You can take your first step by filling out the application form below. I will assess whether I feel we are aligned to coach together or if there is something else I'd reccommend for you. Once you’ve been approved, we can schedule a Clarity Session.

The session will be an opportunity to:

  • Understand your desires with clarity

  • Identify where you are at and create a vision for what’s next

  • Explore obstacles you’ve been facing in achieving your desires so that we can help you gain momentum and more ease towards your goals

The session is valued at $290 and I only offer a limited number of these sessions at a time.

a bird floating on top of a body of water
a bird floating on top of a body of water

Have any questions?

I would love to hear from you. If you have any questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out.